Other multiples eye up Trim site as SuperValu pulls out

Plans for a new town centre development in Trim have hit a major stumbling block as it emerged that SuperValu no longer wants to proceed with anchoring the development. The new retail quarter of Trim is to be developed at Townsparks South on land that was offered for sale by Trim Town Council and the contract to deliver the development was awarded to Shaston Contracting, which consists of Bennett Construction and Express Checkout Group. SuperValu was to be the anchor tenant. A spokesperson for SuperValu"s head office has confirmed that SuperValu has decided to remain in its current location in Trim and refurbish that premises at Haggard Street. It is understood that at least two other major retailers have expressed an interest in the development and that negotiations are ongoing. However, the original contract was with Bennett Construction and Express Checkout Group and the Meath Chronicle understands that any moves to bring in another retailer would have legal implications which would need to be overcome first. A spokesperson for Musgraves, which owns the SuperValu chain, said: 'SuperValu Trim has been in talks with Bennett Construction about anchoring the new Town Centre in Trim. However, the current economic climate has forced us to reassess our position. We have taken the decision to remain in our current location on Haggard Street and undertake a refurbishment in 2009, which means our customers can look forward to a new look store with new services and facilities in the very near future.' It is understood that other major retailers are looking at the site and that Meath County Council"s solicitors are currently examining the original contract to see what the legal implications would be if SuperValu does not proceed with the contract. Trim Town Manager Kevin Stewart said: 'We have become aware that SuperValu may not want to proceed with this contract and we are currently examining the legal implications if that were to happen.' Shaston Contracting was granted planning permission by Trim Town Council for the anchor supermarket, 21 retail units, a bar/café, offices and 144 apartments on the 1.91 hectares site in May 2007 but an appeal was lodged to an Bord Pleanala, which subsequently upheld the council"s decision to grant planning approval. Although Shaston Contracting got the go-ahead for the development in October 2007, work has not yet begun on the new retail centre. Cllr Vincent McHugh and Cllr Trevor Golden both said they have been in contact with several major retailers in recent months and that meetings with these retailers have been positive. Cllr McHugh said: 'When we realised the supermarket wasn"t coming on board as fast as we would have liked, myself and Trevor Golden had a meeting with the town manager and town administrator and tried to identify other possible sites for a supermarket. In the meantime, we have been in consultations with the present site owners, Bennetts, and, on reflection, decided this was the best site possible for a supermarket in Trim. 'We learned that SuperValu was no longer interested in providing us with the supermarket, and at that stage, we made contact with several of the multinationals and negotiations have taken place and are positive with more than two of them. Representatives of these retailers have been down to Trim to see the sites, have had meetings with the developers and have had meetings with both myself and Trevor Golden and, at the moment, pending a satisfactory conclusion of Meath County Council"s solicitor"s findings, we would be very optimistic that we would have a new supermarket on-site sometime in 2009.' Cllr Golden added: 'When I became chairman, one of the first goals I had was to bring more competition to the town and I was able to work with Cllr McHugh to further the situation. The town needed more competition. The project was too slow and action had to be taken. If progress isn"t made fast enough on this site, we will be looking at alternative sites for a supermarket.' The town centre development is part of a wider plan for the Townsparks South lands that also includes the Office of Public Works (OPW) Headquarters. The shell and core of the OPW has been completed and work is now under way on the fit-out of the premises. The landmark headquarters is a four-storey building that is circular in shape and extends to just over 4,000sq m. A multi-storey car park and a civic plaza are also included in the plans. When completed next year, the offices will bring 350 OPW jobs to Trim. An advance office was opened earlier this year at Scurlockstown Business Park and it is understood that there has been a high level of interest among OPW staff members to move to Trim, though several of the higher level technical and professional grade posts have not yet been filled.