Joy for kids as Trim playground re-opens

Trim"s existing playground, which has been closed for several months to facilitate works on the town"s new headquarters for the OPW, has been re-opened to the public. Town councillors were told at their December meeting last week that the existing playground was ready to re-open and would be open again in a day or two. A new playground is planned for the town and this was to be open before the existing playground closed, but the new playground is still in planning and plans have not yet gone on public display. The existing playground closed in August and local councillors were unhappy that it was closed before an alternative facility was ready to open, thus depriving local children of use of the facilities over much of the summer. Initially, the plan was to locate the playground in the sensitve Porchfields area of Trim but this location drew opposition from local councillors who asked that alternative sites be investigated. Some residents were also concerned about the impact the development would have, particularly the car park aspect. Several other sites were discussed after the rejection of the Porchfields and the site chosen is beside the Tower View car park on Trim"s ring road. Sinn Fein Councillor Caroline Lynch said: 'While welcoming that the playground is set to reopen, it must be noted that its replacement has not yet gone for planning permission and that the children of Trim have not had this amenity since the beginning of August. This is poor planning and not acceptable. I raised concerns over the provision of a playground as far back as June and was verbally attacked by other councillors for scaremongering.' It has now been four months since the playground closed, she added, and many parents have been in contact with her spelling out their frustration not only at the bad planning involved, but also at the decision of some councillors to renege on the decision to locate the replacement playground at the Porchfields only days after making the decision. She said parents would be delighted that the playground is set to reopen, but there must be an effort to work toward providing the second playground at the rear of Tower View. Meanwhile, work is expected to begin on a new playground at The Ninch, Laytown, within a matter of weeks, following the awarding of the contract for the work. Cllr Eoin Holmes has expressed his delight that the work is to begin shortly and said tenders for new playgrounds at Slane and Duleek were opened last week and those contracts are due to be awarded before Christmas. 'Everywhere I go, people are constantly expressing their disappointment at the lack of playgrounds in the east Meath area. I am delighted that this is now about to change as I have been pressing for these facilities since becoming a councillor,' he said. The contract for the Laytown playground was awarded to Wexford company, Spraoi Linn Inspirational. The new playground will be situated on open ground in Laytown, close to the car park and the new Jimmy Tully pedestrian bridge. It will have a maritime theme and the site will be large - over 2,000 square meters - and it will have self-closing, disabled-friendly gates. The playground will have a section for children aged two to six years and an area for six to 12 year-olds and will have a special soft ground surface. The new facility will be serviced by a footpath and car parking, will be surrounded by a 1.2 metre fence and protected by CCTV cameras. It is hoped the playground at Laytown will be ready early in the New Year and that the Duleek and Slane playgrounds will open shortly after that. According to Cllr Holmes, the playground for Duleek will be situated at Station Road and will incorporate a 'lime tree" theme to reflect the famous lime tree in the centre of the village. The Slane playground is to be located adjacent to the entrance to Crann Daire Brae on the Collon Road and will have a castle theme to reflect the famous local castle. 'This is good news for Laytown, Duleek and Slane. However, as a matter of urgency, we need to identify potential sites for new playgrounds in Stamullen, Bettystown, Mornington and south Drogheda. 'If anyone has a good suggestion to make, please contact me and I will pass the information on to the council,' he said.