Unfair cover charge for vintage exhibitors

Dear sir - It is with great dismay I write this letter, but in the interests of fairness I feel I must write to you. As a vintage show organiser, a regular attendee at shows, and of late an exhibitor, I feel disheartened at the practice of a cover charge for exhibitors of vintage vehicles at some north eastern shows this season. Do show organisers realise the true costs of displaying an exhibit? Let me illustrate an example of costs. A vintage enthusiast finds an old wreck of a vehicle, pays the going price, and takes it to a workshop where the fun really starts. They spend endless days and nights and a considerable amount of money restoring it, pay transport costs to it get to the venue, just to be charged again on arrival! We all know the joy of restoring 'old junk', but, the ordinary punter also gets a kick out of looking at this old junk when it is restored to its former glory. No exhibitor expects to display free of charge, they willingly contribute handsomely to every worthy cause, often giving a lot more than the €5 cover charge, so this is not a gripe about money, but rather about the unfair practice of the cover charge. Are show committees taking advantage of the fact that more people are unable to afford the foreign holiday this year and are attending the shows in greater numbers, and thereby cashing in on the recession? A word to show organisers - without vintage exhibitors, it would be difficult to run a vintage show. A word to exhibitors - take action soon, or this trend will take hold and stay in place forever. Yours, Anne Berrill, Beauparc, Navan. Minister's offer of childcare place