Ashbourne creche closure a 'huge loss' to local parents

Up to 60 young Ashbourne families face a daunting search for childcare places with the news that a popular local creche is to close later this month. A numer of families say the closure could mean that they have to give up their work because of the difficulties in getting childcare in the area. The Kidz of the Manor Creche at Racehill Manor in the town is to close at the end of the month. Parents were informed of the decision in a recent letter from the operators of the creche who blamed high rent increases for the closure. The operators declined to comment on the decision. Derek Whelan, whose baby daughter attends the creche, said his wife may have to give up work due to the closure. 'We are very worried as there are only two other creches in Ashbourne and it is difficult to get places,' he said. 'This is a wonderful creche and was only five minutes away from us, so it is a huge loss,' he added. Mr Whelan said there had been talk of an other operator re-opening the creche, but it wasn"t clear if this was actually going to happen. 'We are hoping that this can be resolved because, without a childcare place, my wife may have to give up work,' he said. Sandra Bennet who has a litlle girl attending the creche said she was very disappointed it was closing. She hoped to get a place in one of the other creches in the town. 'Most other creches close at 6pm or 6.30pm but this one opened at 7am and closed at 7pm. I work in Baldonnel so being open in the early morning and late evening was great for me,' she said. Another father, who did not wish to be named, said he feared his wife would also have to give up work because of childcare difficulties. 'My wife works part-time and it is extremely difficult to get part-time childcare places. It is a huge worry, we have a mortgage to pay and we really don"t want to lose her income,' he said. Cllr Joe Bonner said the situation was a major problem for very many local families. 'I don"t know where all these children are going to go. There will be lots of people who have to give up their jobs,' he said. 'This was a very well-run creche and I hope every effort will be made to keep it open,' Cllr Bonner added.