A touch of summer sees Dunderry packed for fair

Lady Luck seems to shine on the Dunderry Fair Committee when it comes to planning their annual fair. This year, she bestowed her charms once again in abundance, with long hours of sunshine only matched by its intensity. Thousands of people thronged the village from midday to soak up the atmosphere and those precious rays of light and heat - and to come that little bit closer to nature. These annual fairs are the lifeblood of local communities. They give an opportunity to town and country dwellers alike to take a fresh look at the livestock and produce on show, and meet up with friends they haven"t seen since the last sunny day in Dunderry. Of course, the Nobber Fair Committee will be anxiously watching the skies in the run-up to this Sunday"s fair in the village. Gus Martyn, PRO of the Dunderry Fair Commitrtee, couldn"t have been happier with the turnout. 'The fair day raises a good deal of money for local charities and we know it is very much appreciated by them. It"s a great tradition in the village and we were very lucky with the weather last year and this year. We know the sun always brings people out but the turnout last Sunday was outstanding. 'We thank all those who turned out on the day and supported us and we are very grateful to the national school, the three churches, the local community, Meath County Council and the Gardai for their assistance. And we have to mention the hard-working members of the committee who have been planning the day for a long time and who worked tremendously hard in the lead-up to the fair and on the day itself,' he said. The roasting pig event raised €2,000 in total. The funds go to the dyslexic workshop in Navan and the committee thanked Paddy Kerrigan who sponsored that event, and also Michael Coogan, butcher, Trim, who sponsored the pig itself. The best dressed man title went to Larry Daly, Drinadaly, Boardsmill. The prize here was sponsored by Peter Canning Menswear, Trim. The best dressed lady prize - sponsored by Ebony fashion, Trim - went to Marie Dowd. The bonny baby competition was won by Lexi Smith, Dunderry. And the fair committee itself was not left out. It won the Peter Smyth Memorial Cup for its exhibition of a herd of Dexter cows, the oldest and smallest breed, according to Mr Martyn.