Pictured at the launch of Slane Castle Whiskey in New York were Lord Alex Mountcharles, Glenda McGovern of Slane Public House, Andrew Breslin and Catriona de Chaumont.

Slane woman's NY pub hosts US launch of new whiskey brand

Slane Castle Irish Whiskey made its debut in New York last week at the Slane Public House on MacDougal Street in Greenwich Village. The venue for the launch is owned by Slane woman, Glenda McGovern, who was a neighbour of the Mountcharles family as a child. Slane Castle owner Henry Mountcharles hosted the launch which was attended by celebrities, VIP guests and media who enjoyed the unique whiskey and the special Slane cocktails created by his son, Lord Alex Mountcharles. Distilled by Cooley Distillery, Slane Castle Irish Whiskey is imported to the US by Capstone International and distributed by Lauber Imports, a division of Southern Wines and Spirits. Slane Castle and the Conyngham family are a major factor in marketing the drink in the US where consumers have been fascinated to learn of the Conyngham family who have lived at Slane Castle by the banks of the Boyne since 1701. The connection with the famous Hill of Slane where St Patrick lit his paschal fire is also creating a lot of interest in the US as well as the fact that Slane Castle is best-known these days for rock concerts which have featuried U2, the Rolling Stones, Madonna, Bob Dylan, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Robbie Williams and Oasis. Slane Castle Irish Whiskey was enjoyed at the American Ireland Fund Dinner on 6th May where U2 lead singer Bono was guest speaker, along with former US President Bill Clinton, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, actor Gabriel Byrne and 1,300 members of the Irish-American business, political and arts communities. Slane Castle was the only whiskey available on the night and was very well received.