'Outside' views should have been heeded

Dear sir - Cllr Nick Killian, tells the people of Slane to ignore outsiders. Would this be one of the Meath councillors who failed to tell the people of Meath and of Ireland of the horrendous deal they were getting with the M3, which I assume will be another toll road the HGV will be avoiding causing more problems for the people in the villages of Meath. In 2001, those of us, and obviously not the councillor above, who actually read what was being proposed, tried to warn the people of Meath that they had just been signed up to one of the worst PPP deals in the world, never mind Ireland - 45 years and 90 per cent traffic guarantee fines. We tried to warn them that the cost would be prohibitive on the route chosen because of archaeological excavations needed, and it rose from the estimate of €700 million to €1.2 billion. For this you could have had the motorway mimic the Navan rail line (€650 million) , the Navan rail line re-opened (€100 million rather than the €400 million now needed since the M3 destroyed infrastructure) and a €350 million left over for a link from North of Navan over to the M1, which could eventually form part of the Lenister Orbital route. Which would? Ah yes, that bypasses Slane doesn't it. I think if the people of Meath had actually listened to 'outside interference' such as Conor Newman, archaeologist and now head of the heritage council, rather than its councillors such as Cllr Killian, I think they would have a much better road system and save a lot of money. Instead they will be tied down by crippling tolls for many a year to come. If they want my current 'outside' interference, put a toll box coming into Slane, charge more than the M1 with locals having a free residents pass and use the money from the tolls for employment initiative for your youth. As for lives, An Bord Pleanala never did address the 'fog' issue raised about the Blundelstown interchange on the M3 route. I wonder did Cllr Killian? Yours, Pauline Bleach Egan St, Newtown, Australia.