Moynalty back roads suffer during sewerage project
Back roads around Moynalty are being used by heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) while the village"s sewerage works continue, and both the Ballintlieve and Farnadooney areas had suffered considerably, Cllr Bryan Reilly told the November Kells Area Council meeting. He welcomed undertakings to have the roads swept a number of days weekly but the entire Ballintlieve road was worsening, he warned. Cllr Michael Gallagher said the road from Newcastle needed resurfacing while cars were suffering damage regularly on the back roads. Cllr Liz McCormack urged that they make a submission on safety grounds to the National Roads Authority (NRA) for repairs funding after the village"s roads reopened. It was 'disappointing' to find so many local firms sending HGVs along the roads concerned, area engineer Shane Carroll remarked. They should be 'more civic-minded', he said, while adding he would continue to monitor the project while maintenance and patching works were continuing. Area engineer Brendan McGrath held out little hope for a united call for councillors to secure class three roadworks funding next year. The effect of a reduced rates support grant and persistent inflation meant there would be a drop in schemes across the county. The council had been funding more works on county roads in recent years, he added, but this was unsustainable. He warned that tougher health and safety regulations next year would further restrict the amount of projects carried out.