Mr J Reilly, Carlanstown

THERE was widespread shock and mourning at the sudden death in mid-July of Mr Johnnie Reilly of Moate, Carlanstown. He had lived most of his life on Moate Hill, to which he had a strong attachment and was a staunch family man. A talented craftsman, his woodturning skills impressed many visitors at the annual Moynalty Steam Threshing. His storytelling ranged from politics to sport and folklore. Predeceased last year by his son Jim, the deceased is survived by his wife, Nellie; daughter Angela, sons Seán, Michael and Kevin, grandchildren, in-laws, relatives and friends. His remains were removed to the Church of the Nativity, Kilbeg, where Funeral Mass was followed by interment in Moynalty Cemetery. The Month"s Mind Mass will be celebrated in the Kilbeg Church this Sunday (10th August) at 11am. Ní bheidh a leithéid arís ann.