Cregg turbines refused planning permission
Meath County Council has refused planning permission to Cregg Wind Farm Ltd for a six turbine wind farm at the townlands of Cregg, College and Rathgillen.
The developers had sought a 10-year planning permission for the construction, operation and decommissioning of the wind farm, which would consist of up to six wind turbine generators to supply electricity to the national grid.
A total of 47 objections and submissions were made against the proposal which was refused on a number of grounds including visual impact, effect on wildlife and an unsuitable road network.
Cllr Michael Gallagher said the refusal was great news and he hoped the decision would have an impact on the current application for the Emlagh Wind Farm which is currently under consideration by An Bord Pleanala.
Senator Thomas Byrne also welcomed the refusal .
“As one of the objectors I firmly believed that this project was entirely unsuitable for the Nobber area. The proposed turbines were too high. The refusal should also encourage objectors to the Emlagh windfarm project which is much larger again.
“ Residents will have to remain on their guard for a possible appeal to An Bord Pleanala by the developers” concluded Senator Byrne