Debs nostalgia in Kells hotel for Aware

A unique fundraiser for the charity Aware, which takes place in Kells this Saturday, 12th June, will be a chance to relive teenage years and attend a debs ball all over again. Pristine dresses, beautiful hair, crisp suits, wonderful food, tasteful dancing, delightful conversations, melodic music and dashing dates will be the order of the day at the 'Last Chance Debs' which will take place in the Headfort Arms Hotel on Saturday. The debs/prom-themed fundraiser will have all the trimmings of an original debs ball with a few added extras. The idea originated from a group of friends in Kells. Kate Olohan from the Last Chance Debs committee said: "Depression is something that can affect so many of our friends and families. Our event hopes to be an original and fun night out for all ages, while raising funds and exposure for a worthy charity, Aware." Tickets will include a champagne reception, three-course gourmet dinner, a band and DJ and there is a weekend away in Kinsale and much more up for grabs in a raffle. Ms Olohan said the ball is the perfect excuse to round up your old school friends for "the reunion to beat all reunions". Tickets for the ball will cost €50 and are available from the Headfort Arms Hotel reception.Tickets must be purchased or reserved before this Saturday, 12th June, by contacting the Headfort Arms Hotel on (046) 924 0063.