At the Johnstown House Hotel and Spa in Enfield were James Cronin, key account manager with Energia, and David Hennessy, director, hotel division, Blackshore Holdings.

Enfield hotel books savings in energy deal

The Johnstown House Hotel and Spa in Enfield, formerly the Marriott Johnstown House Hotel, is set to make major cost savings from a major new dual fuel deal with energy provider Energia. The deal sees Energia supplying gas and electricity to the hotel. The deal will see Energia supply the Johnstown House Hotel and Spa Enfield with two gigawatts of electricity and seven gigawatts of gas over the coming year. The terms of the deal mean the hotel is set to make significant savings on its gas costs. David Hennessy, director of Blackshore Holdings' hotel division, said: "We are delighted to be working with Energia. This dual fuel deal will allow us to benefit from cost reductions on both gas and electricity. The ability to save on the amount we're paying for our energy is invaluable for any business, especially in the current challenging economic environment." James Cronin, key account manager with Energia, commented: "Competitive energy prices have never been more important for Irish business. This deal to supply Johnstown House Hotel and Spa shows Energia's ability to offer Irish business fantastic value for all their energy needs." Energia has a 25 per cent market share of the business electricity market on an all-island basis with 50,000 customers. Energia's power station at Huntstown in Dublin has the capability to supply up to 17 per cent of Ireland's electricity requirements on an all-island basis. The company also supplies 20 per cent of all gas consumed in Ireland by the country's largest industrial and commercial gas users.