Paul McGrath to open Festival of Cultures

the Meath Festival of Cultures will take place at Claremont Stadium in Navan on Saturday next, 26th July from noon to 5pm. Celebrating world cultures, the festival will be host to three great events: Meath"s Search for Talent contest, the Mini-Olympics for children and the ever-popular Mini-World-Cup Five-A-Side soccer tournament for men. There will also be an array of ethnic music, dance, drama, arts and crafts, food, and children"s entertainment as well as hip-hop and Indian dancing, fire juggling, mini golf, archery, martial arts, FAI skills soccer training for boys and girls, Drogheda United free-styler displays and barbecues. Festival 'ambassador" Paul McGrath will officially open the festival at noon and will be present throughout the day to meet the public and to hand out prizes to the competition winners. Flexibus are providing a free pick-up and drop-off service on the day covering Oldcastle, Ashbourne, Ballinacree, Trim, Kells and Mosney. If your group or organisation would like to avail of this service then call Flexibus on (046) 907 4830. For more information call 087-759 2320 or visit