Cllr Francis Deane.

'Spoofer’ jibe at cllr’s free parking proposal

A major row erupted at a meeting of Navan Town Council last week when Cllr Francis Deane proposed the council examine the possibility of providing one hour’s free parking for each hour paid on Saturdays in November and December. Cllr Shane Cassells called him a “spoofer” and Cllr Padraig Fitzsimons told him he didn’t know what he was doing. There were angry scenes as Cllr Cassells cheered and called Cllr Deane “a spoofer”, causing the Mayor, Cllr Phil Brennan, to rule him out of horder for “unbecoming behaviour”. Cllr Deane said that Navan, like the rest of the country, was in a state of paralysis and the Government and banks had failed to address the issues raised by the small business community. He spoke of a worrying trend of shop closures in the town. In an effort to increase footfall on the streets and stimulate business, he called on the council to examine the possibility of introducing the free parking incentive, if budgets allowed. “We simply must find solutions to promote local businesses and boost consumer spending in our town and support our local economy,” said Cllr Deane. He pointed out that the council had allocated €25,000 to fund a business website in an effort to promote local shops. “We need to attract a larger footfall onto the streets of our town and ongoing help is needed regarding extra car parking spaces. “I urge Navan people to shop local this coming Christmas, to support our local economy and safeguard jobs in the retail sector,” he said. Cllr Fitzsimons said his motion was a bit rich from someone who had increased parking charges in the last budget. “Now you want to reduce it. You don’t know what you are at,” he said. Cllr Peadar Tóibín welcomed the spirit of the motion and paid tribute to Cllr Deane’s work with local traders. Cllr Cassells said Cllr Deane had told people during the election that they would reduce parking charges, then they put the charges up and now were trying to hide it. “Spoofers, spoofers, you’re a spoofer, woo hoo,” he cheered. He later apologised to the chair. Cllr Jim Holloway said car parking was a contentious issue and what happened in last year’s budget was harmful to local businesses in the town. “Ths issue has to be addressed and I will play my part in looking for measures to help business,” he said.