Opera lovers head to Loughcrew this weekend

The historic Loughcrew estate and gardens outside Oldcastle will be the setting this weekend for a performance of Verdi's La Traviata. Opera lovers will get the chance to dress up and enjoy a picnic and opera experience for the performacnes on Saturday and Sunday. Thea event this year brings 195Os New York glamour to Oldcastle. Director Niall Morris has set his version of Verdi's three-act masterpiece amid the glamour, sex and money of New York, from the mid-20 century. The sexually charged plot is given a Hitchcock-like twist as the beautiful Violetta, opera's most famous high-class courtesan, is sung by acclaimed Irish star soprano Claudia Boyle. Opera-goers will arrive with picnics during the day for lunch and set them up to enjoy during the hour-long break during the performance, which takes place in a spectacular marquee with excellent acoustics. Patrons are encouraged to bring their own food and wine/champagne, but they can also book dinner at Loughcrew's Pavillion Café. This unique event has been running now for 11 years and has built a special reputation and a loyal following, both locally and nationwide. Throughout the day for Loughcrew's picnickers, Chanteuse Derby Browne will present her post-war singing trio, The Bugle Babes. She is an eclectic singing talent with a voice that transports audiences across Europe to the cafés and bars of Italy, France and back again. Some extremely talented international singers will play the leading roles in this year's production. Claudia Boyle sings Violetta, Paul Austin Kelly sings Alfredo, Anna Brady sings Annina and Craig Smith sings Germont Pere. Picnicking starts from 4pm and the opera starts at 8pm. Tickets are €85-€105. Advance booking is required on (049) 854 1356 or see www.loughcrew.com