Fine Gael set to launch Carnaross candidate

Mairead McGuinness, MEP, will officially launch Fine Gael local election candidate Catherine Yore"s election campaign this Saturday in the Carnaross Inn at 9.30pm. Deputy Damien English and Deputy Shane McEntee will also attend to lend their support to her campaign for the Meath County Council elections. Ms Yore, a 24-year-old primary school teacher from Carnaross, said she was delighted to have been chosen by the party leader Enda Kenny to join the Fine Gael team in the Kells Electoral Area. 'I believe that Meath County Council needs new blood and new voices to fight for change and to bring hope for our communities. I am determined, energetic and community focused. I am fully aware of the challenges that lie ahead of me but I will strive, above all else, to do my best in getting the issues heard and acted on if elected on 5th June.' She said it was time for change, time for reform, time for positive and proactive action, that would lead to a recovery for our communities and our local economy. 'I will listen and then set about the important work of finding real workable solutions, both with individuals and communities. This is what politics is about. Good politics, practised by good people, working hard for real results,' she said. Ms Yore said her love of sports, including playing ladies" football and camoige, gave her an insight into the need for more sports and recreational facilities as an alternative to the cycle of drink and drugs. 'My passion for music, including playing the piano and accordion as well as singing, gives me an insight into the God-given talents we all have, and how we must use them and develop them to improve society,' Ms Yore added