Residents of Drumconrath who carried out a massive clean up of Corstown Bog last Friday.

Drumconrath locals clean up bog

Residents of the Drumconrath area who had been calling on Meath County Council to clean up Corstown Bog took matters into their own hands last week and carried out a massive clean-up of the area. The bog had been in terrible state for some time with letter animal carcasses and all sorts of rubbish. It had been used as a dumping ground and among the items dumped there were dead dogs, household waste and a commode. Meath County Council supplied a skip for the clean-up and the residents carried out the work themselves. They have thanked Duff Plant Hire and Laurence Halpenny Builders who kindly supplied JCBs to help with the effort. They also thanked the district veterinary office which removed the animals within three hours of being contacted. Residents of the area were angry at the condition of the bog which had always been a popular countryside walk, but has since become a serious eyesore. Piles of waste, including the remains on a dog, were left on the roadside. A dead calf was also found strewn on the path and the smell was becoming a problem. According to a spokesperson, the residents and members of the Drumconrath Community Development Association tried numerous times to contact the litter warden and Meath County Council to remove the hazardous mess but the council could not carry out the work. Cllr Oliver Fox, who arranged a skip to be provided, said he was delighted to assist the residents in any way he could. "Litter across the county is a major problem and costs a huge sum when resources are scarce. I would encourage people to dispose of their waste in the correct manner and recycle anything they can in the local bring centres," he said. Terry Halpenny, who lives close to the area, said: "This is a beauty spot. People park here and walk the roadway every evening, travelling from many areas to do so. There are even people from Swords who travel down just to walk here. I have had people knocking on my door to complain about the mess."