Trim pupils to feature in upcoming TV Mass

Sixth class pupils from Gaelscoil na Bóinne in Trim will broadcast live to the nation on RTE 1 television on 5th October at 11.15am when they will each play an active role in the celebration of the Sunday Mass from the RTE studios. The opportunity came about after discussions between Roger Childs, the new director of religious programming in RTE, and Orla Walsh, a Veritas religious education author. The idea of a pre-Confirmation Mass with a sixth class group was raised and, being the mother of three Gaelscoil na Bóinne pupils, Ms Walsh felt this was a perfect opportunity to involve the sixth class pupils from the Trim school. She had previous experience of their liturgies and, when she approached Cindi Ui Bhuachalla, the school principal, she found that her proposal was met with immediate support and great enthusiasm. The celebration of this special Sunday Mass is a joyous way for the sixth class pupils to launch themselves into their Confirmation year and their last year at Gaelscoil na Bóinne. Every sixth class pupil will participate in the televised celebration. Fr Andrew Farrell, PP, Trim, who has regularly celebrated the sacraments with the Gaelscoil pupils, will be the celebrant of the Mass. The school choir, comprising of pupils from third, fourth and fifth classes, will also perform, accompanied on keyboard by Muinteoir Finola and Katie Buckley (a past pupil), and they will be chorally directed by Cindi Ui Bhuachalla.