Dunboyne driver presents €10k cheque to charity

A DUNBOYNE tram driver has presented the Third World charity GOAL with €10,000 on behalf of Luas. Derek McGuinness last Friday presented the cheque donated by Luas operator, Veolia Transport and Railway Procurement Agency, to GOAL chief executive, John O"Shea, at the Green Line St Stephen"s Green Stop. When making the presentation, Derek wore his Liverpool jersey, as all Luas staff were participating in GOAL Jersey Day on Friday and wore the jerseys of their favourite teams to work. The money raised by Luas will build three houses in Uganda, housing children orphaned from HIV/Aids and many others affected by extreme poverty. The Dunboyne man appealed to Luas passengers and the public to dig deep and support GOAL"s charitable work. 'You can build GOAL homes for €3,000 and help some of the world"s poorest people,' he said. Mr O"Shea commented that 'LUAS support of Jersey Day has made a difference to the lives of children orphaned by AIDS/HIV' and provided not just housing for them but employment and education in construction training programmes in the community.