Big interest in Navan indie band, The Whatmans

The Whatmans are Navan's latest indie rock outfit. They consist of John Brennan on vocals, Padar Mulvey on guitar and backing vocals, Francis "Frany" McGinn on bass and Aidan Carolan on drums. With the release of their debut single 'Devil Shoes' catching the ears of some top music reviewers, and record companies from Warner Bros and Universal to MTV2, the band are quickly making a name for themselves as the next big thing. Dubbed as "what Oasis would sound like if they had imagination", the band live up to their hype through their live shows and of course the most important thing, their music. "This year we have achieved all we set out for," Padar Mulvey. "We got signed by Matchbox Recordings Ltd who are a Universal-related company. Universal and Warner Brothers have said great things about us. Both are keeping a close eye on what we do all the time. They are in contact regularly with Matchbox Recordings." Reviewer Dermot Long wrote: "From songs like 'One For The Music', 'Korea' and one of the best written songs 'Soldier', the band have captured a sound that U2 would be proud of. John Brennan has vocal chords that will make you sit up and take notice. His voice is different to everything else and to me its roughness and readiness to destroy any microphone is a gift most singers can only dream of. He has the arrogance and confidence on stage of a young Manchester hero, and uses every lyric to full effect. Padar Mulvey, the guitarist and writer of the tunes for The Whatmans, has a sound that rages through the room like a runaway steam train. From jingle jangle sounds to roaring, flaming guitar solos, Padar pushes his guitar to the limit and beyond. His passion is evident in every guitar riff, and lyric he writes. "Frany McGinn and Aidan Carolan are the sort of rhythm section that every band should have. Bass riffs that are as catchy as swine flu and drums that bring a new meaning to the word pounding, these two know how to play their instruments." Mulvey says: "We brought out a single this year at the start of October called 'Devil Shoes'. This was brought out by Matchbox Recordings and Universal. It has received great reviews from all critics well known in both Ireland and Britain." The song can be downloaded on iTunes and other on-line music stores. The video, which can be viewed on YouTube, was directed by Vincent Gallagher and produced by Dave Leahy. The Whatmans released the single in The Village to a sold out venue and played The Whatmans Christmas Party in The Backroom Sessions in The Lantern Navan. "Next year, we intend to bring out one or two more singles and then release the album," Mulvey says. "We have British and Irish tours in the making, and if all goes to plan maybe an American tour."