Fighting the flab - and the torrent of bad news

Your health is your wealth. It"s one of the oldest, most dog-eared, flea-bitten, over-used clichés around. It"s also one of the truest and now, more than ever, it is the kind of age-old saying that helps some people through the hard times. The saying is also one of the quintessential elements of the philosophy behind the Motivation Weight Management clinics in Drogheda and Johnstown, Navan. Both outlets are run by Wendy Donegen and Susan Hand and a staff of seven. Donegan and Hand assert that one of the contributions their enterprise makes towards fighting the worst economic recession to hit this country since the 1930s is fostering a positive outlook and providing people with that coveted feelgood factor. Their business is all about bombarding people with positive jibes. People whose sense of self-worth and morale may well be seriously undermined by a feeling that they are overweight and out of the loop - their downbeat situation compounded by the loss of a job or other worries. 'When people come into us we would say: 'Is it the end of the world? Have you got your health, what"s good in your life?" We"d sit down and look at the positive things,' explains Donegan. 'Have you got a family, they"re doing fine, you"re not sitting in a hospital. If you owe money, you have to take the view that it is only money. We work on the positives in people"s lives.' Their theory is that, if you can foster the right outlook and summon up the right mental fortitude, then just about anything is possible. And Donegan and Hand are living examples of that theory. A trained accountant, Wendy Donegan, who is from Ardee, worked in a nine-to five in Dundalk. The work was moderately interesting, it was a secure position yet she wanted something more, a different challenge. Susan Hand was a health consultant in a weight management outlet in Co Dublin. They shared the same ambition to run their own business. They were also acquaintances as Hand"s mother, Bernie, was Wendy Donegan"s first boss. Both Hand and Donegan felt there was a definite opening for a weight management outlet in the Meath area. They met with Paul Connolly, the owner of the Motivation Weight Management franchises in Ireland. After doing their sums and weighing everything up, so to speak, they went for it. They stared up their Johnstown clinic in late 2007 and followed that up by opening the Drogheda branch last summer. Over the past six months or so, Hand, who is from Tullyallen close to Slane, has noticed a definite increase in the number of people showing up with a more pessimistic outlook, a feeling fostered by the constant avalanche of bad economic news. 'When people contact us first, they are often feeling very down about themselves, there"s a weight on their shoulders and we need to addresss that.' Negative feelings, adds Donegan, need to be worked on immediately and ultimately banished altogether. 'Our programme is not just about losing weight. Obviously, you lose weight and that"s great, that helps you feel good, but that"s short-term. 'You put the weight on in the first place because of your mind and because of what"s going on around you. Losing the weight and developing a positive outlook helps you in all aspects of your life.' Donegan had another reason for taking the weight management route. With a small child she wanted more flexibility - she also wanted to address the issue of her own weight, something she had been concerned about for some time. Her situation wasn"t helped by an under-active thyroid. Helped along by an optimistic outlook, Wendy Donegan lost four stone in the matter of months, a carefully controlled protein-based diet combined with exercise helping her achieve her objective. And, she points out, MWM has helped out others dispense with unwanted pounds, including Geoff Cooney and Helena Byrne. Both attended the MWM outlet in Johstown and made impressive strides in shedding excess inches. Helena Byrne lost almost seven stone in less than a year. Byrne and Cooney will join five others from the Drogheda clinic in a fashion show made up of the high achievers from the various Motivation Weight Management outlets throughout Ireland. The show takes place at the RDS, Dublin, on Sunday 10th May with an appearance on TV also on the agenda. Donegan has already appeared on RTE"s Afternoon Show. Running a business these days can be a fraught affair. Donegan"s experience as an accountant and Hand"s in-depth knowledge of the weight-loss business have proved invaluable assets in helping them get over the initial stages. 'We"ve had quiet weeks but our Navan clinic, for instance, has increased from last year, so we"re happy enough. If we get the same as last year, that, in our mind, is an increase in recessionary times. 'Our business in Navan has increased this year for the first three months, so that"s a good start,' she adds. The absolute need for the business in these challenging times, she says, is to look closely at the costs, with every cent spent carefully monitored. Leaving regular jobs to open up the business was a big move for both women. They have no regrets they took the step, even now when the recessionary winds continue to contain a nasty edge. They are determined to push on and help people realise their full potential - and shed some unwanted pounds in the process.