Early motorway completion would give much-needed boost to Kells business

A call for the completion of the M3 motorway ahead of schedule to act as a business boost for Kells has been made by Cllr Bryan Reilly. He urged the Department Of Environment & Local Government to press the M3 main contractors to complete the motorway ahead of their mid-2010 schedule to help the town prepare for the inevitable business cycle recovery. He said the removal of both the N3 and N52 through-traffic from the town would at last enable Kells retail and other businesses to compete more effectively and open up lands near the motorway to development. 'Already the very successful Loyd Business Park is nearly full, so now is the time to develop a second such park, ideally on the south side of the town near the planned motorway exit,' he said. 'The boost from an earlier M3 opening would also help to bring forward investment in the major Backlands project, while the Aldi development is now underway on the Cavan Road. 'The Department of Education"s preference of the nearby site for the new Eureka School forms another opportunity for the construction industry,' he said. Cllr Reilly said the reduction of through-traffic would remove bottlenecks on the Navan Road, enabling smoother traffic right across Kells through the day. 'The major remedial works in Headfort Grove and other public authority houses in the town is generating considerable work for local contractors. 'Recent planning applications for derelict sites and the action taken with some of the worst offenders is now bearing fruit. 'Other developers will be encouraged by these signs of growing business confidence, while Kells also stands to benefit from the new regional hospital planned for Navan. 'These green shoots can prove the springboard for Kells to benefit quickly from any business upswing. What we need now is a combined campaign by local authorities, the Chamber Of Commerce and traders to promote the town and develop the infrastructure, in particular a new business park,' added Cllr Reilly.