Navan doctor"s heroic stance

Dear sir - While attending the recent march of solidarity for victims of institutional abuse in Dublin, I met Dr Patrick Randles, the retired Navan GP. Back in the 1970s, Dr Randles was a lone voice in highlighting alleged abuses being perpetrated in religious institutions throughout the country. Many of us were sceptical then, who felt his concerns were somewhat exaggerated. I seem to recall that a Sunday newspaper carrying an article about Dr Randles was boycotted by some newsagents, an action which must have left the good doctor feeling a certain sense of isolation. In light of the recent Ryan Report which contains a shattering litany of abuse of children in care in this country over many decades, one can only feel remorse and anger that so little attention was paid to what Dr Randles was saying at the time. We as a State failed these children but men like Dr Randles tried to shine a light into one of the darkest corners of our State"s history. I felt humbled in the presence of such a kind and courageous man last and as I reflected back over the years on the stand he took, I have no doubt that this good doctor richly deserves a nomination for 'Meath Person of the Year" award. Yours, Noel Holian, Dublin Road, Navan.