Boylan relatives sought

Dear sir - I have a friend in Canada who is trying to trace her Irish roots which are in County Meath. The information she has is as follows: John W Boylan, born in Co Meath, married Ann Martin and had four children including Christopher born in Meath 11 April 1812. The family then went to England - John and his brothers worked as weavers there - Richard Augustine born in England 12 November 1815, Mary Ann born in England 1816, John W born in England around 1820. John W (the father) and his wife Ann together with their children emigrated to Nova Scotia, Canada in 1822 where another child was born, James Jacob in 1824. Perhaps my friend in Canada has relatives in Co Meath. My telephone number is (041) 982 4441 should anybody have any information. Yours, Mary Tallon