Death of former Kells chairman

Members of Kells Town Council met at a special meeting on Monday evening to pay tribute to their former colleague and chairman, Mr Aiden (Ainey) Lynch, who died suddenly on Friday night last. Mr Lynch was a member of the local authority from 1999 to the last elections in 2004, when he stood down. He was elected as a Fianna Fail member. Cllr Peter Caffrey of Fianna Fail described Mr Lynch as a life long friend who showed great determination to the job and dedication to the party. He recalled how Mr Lynch had worked one of the longest campaigns, canvassing for two years prior to the 1999 election and had gained support from constituents well in advance of other starting to canvass for votes. 'Ainey was not concerned with the big issues, just parochial issues, things which meant a lot to the people, simple things affecting the everyday lives of individuals.' Cllr Bryan Reilly (FF) described Mr Lynch as a devoted life long member of the Fianna Fail party, who was so proud to have been elected to Kells Town Council. 'Another of his greatest passions in life was his admiration for the late Joe Dolan, and it was only fitting that a member of the Joe Dolan band came to play at Ainey"s funeral.' Cllr Conor Ferguson said that Ainey was an inoffensive gentleman, and that people had misjudged him. He commended his tenacity. Colr Sean Drew (FF) said Mr Lynch was so proud in 1999 when he got elected against all the odds. Cllr Brian Curran (Ind) recalled the excitement when Mr Lynch achieved his goal to become a public representative. Cllr Tommy Grimes (Labour) recalled that when Mr Lynch was chairperson he didn"t think he would be able to go to the US, but he was delighted to be able to ring him and inform him to get his passport ready as he was heading to New York. Fine Gael Cllr Oliver Sweeney described Mr Lynch as a gleeful character and a very straight forward individual who helped launch various FF careers far greater than his own. Town clerk Bill Sweeney commended Mr Lynch"s humanity and how he faced his problems like a man, and said he bettered the day to day lives of ordinary people. Mr Sweeney expressed the hope that the media would give as much attention to the magnificent send off the people of Kells gave Mr Lynch as they had given to other aspects of his life. Brendan McGrath, town manager recalled Mr Lynch"s trip to New York as chairman, and the pride with which he represented his town. 'He was a lovely man, harshly and wrongly treated by the media. He had the courage to stand up for his convictions, a civic leader of this town and led this council with distinction and pride.' Current chairman of the council, Cllr Brian Collins (Labour), said that Kells was his town, not due to any property acquisitions rather because of his great love for Kells. 'He was a proud FF foot soldier and will be a great loss to the town of Kells,' he added. Mr Lynch, of Carrick Street and late of Headfort Grove, Kells, was elected to the Town Council, then the Urban Council, for Fianna Fail, in 1999. A trumpet player and singer, he was in a number of bands as well as the Kells Silver Band. He worked in the welding and tiling industry. In 2003, he lost the Fianna Fail party whip following a conviction in the district court and did not stand in the following election. Deceased is survived by his wife, Colette, family, Sharon, John, Glenda, Joanne and Grainne, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, aunt, in-laws, relatives and friends. The funeral took place from St Colmcille"s Church, Kells, to St Colmcille"s Cemetery on Sunday.