Manus Mac Meanmain (Christian Solidarity Party)

Christian Solidarity Party candidate Manus Mac Meanmain lives in Enfield and is a house husband. He is married and the father of five children. His wife is a nurse. He was inspired to stand for election by what he sees as the transfer of the nation's wealth from the productive working classes to the creditors of badly-run banks. Brian Lenihan's revelation on RTE's 'Freefall' programme that the original banker bail-out came after an instruction by the head of the ECB indicated to him that neither opposition party would have done anything different to the government, given their enthusiasm for following the EU's agenda. Mr Mac Meanmain is concerned that, despite what leading economists around the world say, a government by establishment parties will continue to transfer the wealth of the nation to mega-billionaire international financiers. He also supports Swiss-style popular initiative referenda. He is standing for Comhar Críostaí because he supports the right to life at all stages. He opposes the erosion of civil liberties represented by equality legislation, which seek to inhibit the rights of free speech, freedom of conscience and association. He is also appalled that tax individualisation punishes single income families to coerce home-makers into the workforce.