'Attack on Councillor Lynch is somewhat disingenuous"

Dear Sir - Perhaps it is apt that Trim Labour Councillor Danny O"Brien is to retire next month. His latest attack on Councillor Caroline Lynch is somewhat disingenuous and out of step with Labour policy, public opinion and the reality of the work of Trim Town Council over the last year. Labour and Sinn Féin have an agreement to work together in the Dáil and share speaking time. A pact exists where Labour councillors vote to elect Sinn Féin senators and vice versa. It is unlikely that Councillor O"Brien was exempt from this pact. Public opinion, and numerous delegates to the Labour conference, called for an alliance of 'the left" between the two parties to oppose the Thatcherite, neo-conservative policies of Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael. On Trim Council, Councillor Lynch is the only public representative to formally raise the idea of a youth café in the town. She did this over a year ago and again last month. She has also helped establish a youth café in Navan, is the author of detailed research and has met with both the officials and cathaoirleach on the issue. The most disappointing aspect of his rant was that it was motivated by anti-Sinn Féin feeling and not the interests of the young people of Trim. Yours, Felix Gallagher, Trim.