Abolish parking charges and reform councils

Dear sir - I note media reporting over the past week, that in the opinion of our public officials, the lack of parking spaces available on a Friday because of the Fair Green traders is a figure of somewhere around €90,000 of lost revenue to our town council. This statement could only be made by a branch of government that is so wrapped up in its own importance that it has lost complete sight of what is original purpose was, to serve our community and not to become a burden on it. Our town and county would survive quiet well without a town or county council, but there is one thing we will not survive without, and that is commerce and business. Parking charges are anti-business and at this time of recession needs to be removed. It is only a self serving organisation such as our town or county council that could view it any other way. We need to position ourselves to be able to do business on an equal footing with Ashbourne, Blanchardstown Centre and Liffey Valley to attract thousands of visitors spending money. These centres operate on a policy of free open spaces and free parking and we in Navan must do like wise or go out of business. While nobody like to see anybody losing their job it is abundantly clear to anyone who lives in our county that we have twice too many public representatives and twice to many public servants administrating a county in deep decline. It"s time both Meath County Council and Navan town and area council received both root and branch reform and not an increase in rates or parking charges to fund this now outdated and cumbersome system of local government. Yours, Paddy Pryle, Castleview, Athlumney, Navan.