Meath pupils raise the roof in VEC musical extravaganza

More than 200 young people from all over County Meath took part in a Musical Extravaganza hosted by Meath VEC in the Solstice Arts Centre, Navan, on 29th and 30th January. One hundred years ago, the Meath County Joint Committee of Technical Instruction founded the Technical School in Navan. These committees became the precursors of the VECs and were the first attempts at training up young people in trade and technical skills. The first Musical Extravaganza in 2008 was organised to celebrate this very important landmark and, following on from the success of that night, two nights were organised this year due to the phenomenal demand for tickets. Schools from across the county are involved in this venture along with two Youthreach Centres and VTOS. Schools involved are Ratoath College, O"Carolan College (Nobber), St Oliver Post-Primary (Oldcastle), Coláiste Pobail (Rath Cháirn), Beaufort College (Navan), Dunshaughlin Community College, St Peter"s College (Dunboyne), St Fintina"s Post-Primary (Longwood) and the brand new Colaiste na hInse (Laytown). Trim and Laytown/Bettystown Youthreach Centres are also involved. There was standing room only in Solstice and many people were disappointed not to get tickets. The Navan arts centre has a capacity of only 320 and there were many frantic calls from parents and students seeking admission. The talent on show included solo musical performances, national Irish dancing Champions, orchestras and choirs as well as dramatic performances. There were numerous musical styles to be enjoyed with traditional, jazz, American country, classical and blues music groups raising the tempo during their sets. There were three MCs on the night: Adam Bouktila (student, St Peter"s College, Dunboyne), Cathriona Solan (teacher, Dunshaughlin Community College) and Elma McMahon (Youth Officer, Meath VEC). Stage manager on the night was John Grant from Dunshaughlin Community College who was assisted by a team of 17, consisting of teachers, students and former students. There was something for everybody during the night and the excitement was tangible both sides of the curtain. The young people had been rehearsing for months for these two special performances. Some acts, such as choirs or orchestras practiced on a daily basis, but some other acts, including the dramatic performances and the bands, were developed especially for the show. Colaiste na hInse, Ireland"s newest school, performed for the first time. There are 80 pupils in the school and 40 of them travelled to Navan to partake in the event. VTOS from Navan also attended for the first time. The finale was a 10-minute section from the 'We Will Rock You" musical and involved six schools and over 100 young people on stage. This was rehearsed for months before the final performance and was directed and choreographed by Pat Morris and Nessa Olohan from Dunboyne. Noel Dempsey, Minister for Transport and former chairman of Meath VEC, addressed the packed house and said how proud he was of all the young people and their parents. He said that the young people involved were to be commended on their hard work and added that the co-operation which was obvious between all the schools was magical to witness. Peter Kierans, CEO of Meath VEC, gave credit to all the young people and their parents. He said how music and drama teachers are vitally important in schools as they create such a special bond with young people because of the time devoted to music often in their spare time, outside of school hours. He reminded the audience that 200 young people were involved in the production and their behaviour was impeccable. Cllr Nick Killian, another former chairman of the VEC and chairperson of the board of management at Ratoath College, was guest of honour and he said that in times of economic darkness, it was very reassuring to have the light of music in our lives. He said that, as chairman of The Venue Arts Theatre in Ratoath, he sees many bands and groups and that the acts he had observed that night were of a similar standard. He said any of the acts on show would have been highly commended in the recent 'Meath"s Got Talent" show.