1,400 pilgrims join pope at Lourdes celebrations

Some 1,400 pilgrims from Meath took part in this year"s annual pilgrimage to Lourdes, where they joined in the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the apparition of Our Lady, led by Pope Benedict XVI. This is the jubilee year of the apparitions of Our Lady to St Bernadette at the Grotto of Massabielle. The majority of the Meath pilgrims travelled on Friday last, while some had departed on Wednesday. The Wednesday travellers had been booked to fly with Futura Gael, the airline which collapsed last week, but later travelled on replacement chartered aircraft. The diocesan pilgrims are due back in Ireland today (Wednesday). On his arrival through St Michael"s Gate on Saturday, many Meath pilgrims watched Pope Benedict as the popemobile made its way towards the grotto. Maxi-screens in the sanctuaries allowed all pilgrims to watch the pope take part in the Jubilee Way, a visit to the parish church, the cachot and the grotto. Later that evening, Pope Benedict gave his blessing to the tens of thousands of pilgrims who had gathered for the torchlight procession. Many pilgrims were on the move by 5.30am on Sunday morning so that they could assist the hospital pilgrims to their places before 7.30am. Some pilgrims who had taken part in World Youth Day events felt very much at home with the sight of the 4,000 young pilgrims who arrived for Mass having spent the night in the undergound basilica. Once again, the popemobile brought the pope within arm"s reach of many pilgrims. One of the youth group, Catherine Taaffe from Tullamore, a science student in Trinity College, will always have a particular memory of the Papal Mass as she was one of a group of 40 pilgrims chosen to receive Holy Communion from Pope Benedict. While the sunshine on Monday morning was a welcome addition after a long wait in the cool of Rosary Square, all acknowledged Pope Benedict"s attention for the hospital pilgrims and his care as he celebrated the Sacrament of Anointing with a representative group of pilgrims from all the different groups present in Lourdes. Another Meath Diocese pilgrim, Clare Buckley from Mullingar, was anointed by Pope Benedict at the Mass celebrated in front of the Rosary Basilica. A former member of the Meath Hospitalité staff, Ms Buckley explained that the blessing of Pope Benedict and prayers of fellow pilgrims was an extra strength and comfort as she copes with her MS. Along with Agatha McPartland, Mullingar, she received Holy Communion from Pope Benedict at the same Mass. Bishop Michael Smith, who marks his 25th anniversary leading the Meath pilgrimage to Lourdes, paid particular tribute to the team of nurses, handmaids and brancardiers who ensured the best of care and attention for the 230 hospital pilgrims from around the diocese. While their early mornings and late nights seem to have merged into one continual time of service, he noted that this generosity and service is at the heart of the message of the Gospel, and very much in evidence in the life of St Bernadette and the story of Lourdes. 'It is a unique privilege for us to be in Lourdes with Pope Benedict,' Bishop Smith said. 'People will return home with very special memories of this beautiful event. The Holy Father"s message and his gentle manner touched people, especially those who are sick. Once again, our experience in Lourdes has been a time of prayer and blessing. We have brought with us not only our own needs but also the intentions of our parishioners at home. I am sure that the story of Lourdes will continue to inspire our pilgrims for much time to come.' The diocese is celebrating 60 years of the pilgrimage and the 25th occasion for Bishop Smith to lead the group to Lourdes. Recently appointed vocations director Fr Mark English accompanied a group of young people, who were joining the diocesan pilgrimage, many for the first time.