Texaco bestows award on well-known Trim family

The well-known Trim business family, the Souhans, recently received an award from Texaco for 40 years of excellent customer service. Souhans of Trim, consisting of a Texaco filling station, shop and deli, garage and exhaust manufacturing centre, have been in business in Trim since 1969 when they first joined with Texaco. The site which Ena and PJ Souhan first started on, which originally had a small roadside two-pump aisle, was only one-third of the size that it is now. By continuing to change with the times and the needs of the customers, Souhans have be able to revamp and update to their station into a one-stop-shop. Their most recent update to the premises includes a new top-of-the-range shop and deli with high-quality cooking equipment to ensure the highest standards. Souhan's Shop has already won awards for the past 10 consecutive years for customer service. The garage also has been equipped with the latest in computerised equipment in their pre-NCT Test Centre. Souhans also recently launched a new website (www.souhan.ie), as well as an exhaust service for the hard times which face all businesses and consumers at present, where they can manufacture any exhaust for any vehicle on the spot rather than a customer having to buy a full exhaust system.