Medium in Trim appearance

Medium Declan Flynn will bring his 'Spirit Connections' show to Trim on Sunday 4th October, when he will be in the Castle Arch Hotel. Flynn is a young psychic medium and author from Dublin who has been training in mediumship over the past five year and is dedicated to his training and developing his abilities. He has been aware of spirit since a child. He regularly attends Arthur Findlay College in London for Mediumship Development and has attended courses with Glyn Edwards, Eileen Davies and Tony Stockwell. Over the course of the tour Flynn hopes to reconnect people with loved ones that have crossed over into the Spirit World. He has a very gentle approach to his delivery and done so in a professional way. Flynn is also the development officer of the Spiritualist Union of Ireland. The Spiritualist Union of Ireland has set up the first Spiritual Sanctuary in the Republic. Here there is a weekly Sunday service of Mediumship and during the week there are development classes. As Flynn goes around the country he is endeavouring to discover just how many people are interested in developing their psychic abilities. He believes that everyone has these abilities it is just a matter of tuning in and practising them. He will then do workshops with those that are interested. He is releasing his new meditation cds, 'Spirit Connections' and 'The Journeys to the Inner Soul'. The first cd allows the user to connect at a nice relaxed level with a loved one in Spirit and the second allows them to connect with a spiritual guide and see their book of life, where all information that they need to know on their spiritual pathway is stored. Cds are priced at €10. Email about any of the shows, mediumship development, or anything to do with spiritual development. Tickets are priced at €20 and are available online, where more information can be found.