Trocaire director says thanks for support

Dear sir - I am writing to thank your readers for the support they have given to the world"s poorest people over the past few months. It is very heartening to see the public support for the developing world continue to grow, despite the financial insecurity here at home. Trócaire is working across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East to build a better world for people living in poverty. With support from the Irish public Trócaire spent over €54 million last year responding to humanitarian disasters, tackling poverty and protecting human rights. Last year we helped thousands of people to build a reliable way of life, through agricultural support and training. Our HIV/AIDs programme continues to provide care and support for families devastated by the disease, while also focusing on prevention programmes for the future. Some 70 per cent of those living in poverty are women and with the public"s support we are continuing to tackle this inequality and other injustices such as violence against women. Over the past year Trócaire responded to flooding in Uganda, an earthquake in Peru, and a cyclone in Bangladesh. We helped people to survive these disasters and many more, and we will continue to work with them to make them less vulnerable to future disasters. We also continued our life-saving work in Darfur and supported people in Kenya who have been left homeless following disputed election results there earlier this year. Without the support of the Irish people this work would be impossible and I would like to say 'thank you" to Trócaire"s supporters, who continue to help the poorest people in the world every day. Yours, Justin Kilcullen, Director of Trócaire, Maynooth. Co Kildare.