Trim cllrs full of praise for Olympiad festival

Members of Trim Town Council congratulated the Scurlogstown Olympiad on their hugely successful haymaking festival which took place in the local Porchfields on 21st June. Cllr Phil Cantwell said the festival was a 'wonderful community effort' and that it had 'lifted the whole town'. Cllr Vincent mcHugh added: 'It was a brilliant festival and very well-organised. The committee put a year of hard work into it and it was done on a shoestring. We would love to have been able to help them out a bit.' He added that a number of world records had been set and that there had been 'something for the young and something for the old'. Cllr McHugh went on to say that people had come from all over the country to attend the festival and that he had worked with one of those involved who was getting calls of congratulations from around the country for a few days. Cllr Ray Butler said he was working at one of the gates and he had 'never seen such a crowd'. He said that, even at 4.30pm, people were still arriving at the field. Meanwhile, Cllr Trevor Golden said the new gates at the Porchfields looked very well. This had been one of the projects of Trim Tidy Towns. However, Cllr Butler said he had been contacted about the gates and had been told they were not suitable for an emergency. He said it was suggested that another gate at the fence would alleviate a lot of problems. Cllr Golden pointed out there were several ways the gates could be accessed and Cllr Butler said he thought the gates looked well but he was just bringing the matter to the attention of the council. Cllr McHugh said he thought the gates did look well but said it was a pity they were not a foot wider. Town Clerk Brian Murphy said the emergency access was a matter for the traffic plan for the event.