Call for ramp on Boyne for recovery vessels

Trim Town Councillors Ray Butler and Gerry Reilly are calling on the town clerk to support their appeal to the OPW to build a launch ramp on the River Boyne near the castle to facilitate the launch of recovery and other vessels. 'At present Boyne River Rescue, Trim Canoe Club and others have to endure considerable difficulty in lifting their craft across obstacles to get to the river bank and this is simply not satisfactory in this day and age. There is absolutely no reason why a small ramp should not have been built many years ago to make this task so much easier and we hope that with the support of the town clerk and other local councillors we will see this rectified early in the New Year,' said Cllr Butler. 'It is terrible to see local volunteers in the Boyne River Rescue struggle across mucky terrain to launch heavy craft. We have to provide them with a proper launch facility,' he added.