FG adds Fay to Trim ticket

Popular Trim character Willie Fay has been named by Fine Gael as one of its three candidates for a seat on Trim Town Council in June"s local elections. Well known for his antics for charity fundraising events, the export agent has joined sitting councillors Gerry Reilly and Ray Butler on the ticket. 'Getting involved in politics was always something I was going to do, as I have an interest in community activities,' Mr Fay said this week. 'I had been considering it for the past four or five years, and when I was approached by Fine Gael, it was the perfect opportunity.' Mr Fay has been involved in various community events and charity activities for the past decade, including a major People In Need Telethon fundraiser 'Bachelor In Need", and the Dunderry Fair, in which he is still very involved and paid tribute to the €150,000 in funds that have been raised by them in recent years. He said he is hoping to revive a sense of community spirit around Trim by looking at the provision of facilities such as a community hall, and is appalled by the fact that the busiest centre in the town is now the social welfare office. 'The Government"s shortsightedness, and the continuation of the banks putting the squeeze on decent people while their own fat cats cream it, are major issues that need to be tackled,' he said. Fianna Fail already has one part-time performer running for the town council in Trim, in Ronan McKenna, a well-known performer on the local stage. If both he and Willie Fay are elected in June, council meetings could get a bit livelier!