Voodoo Jack gig in Dublin venue Whelans

Voodoo Jack, featuring John Byrne from Nobber, Keenan Cassidy from Navan, and originally Norfolk Virginia, USA and Ciaran Daly from Kells, and originally London, will play a gig in Whelans of Wexford Street, Dublin on Friday night next, 29th August as part of the Dublin Underground Promotions gig. The band have just recorded three songs for an EP which will also include a live song. John Byrne describes the band"s sound as if all the 'world"s most influential blues, jazz and rock 'n" roll artists got together to have a jam.' ' That"s how we feel when we"re making our music, so that"s also how it must sound. The main flavour is one of blues due mainly to Keenan"s bluesy guitar licks and vocals, but I also add some elements of funk with slap bass sections, and jazz bass lines with my fretless bass, and Ciaran also brings jazz to the table, but also 'swing" and 'big band" drum beats.' Album recording sessions and pre-production sessions all took place in Elektra Studios in Temple Bar between June and August, with three tracks 'When it Rains, it Pours", 'Road to Nowhere", and 'Betrayal". 'The music is written by all three members. How the song writing process has come to work best, is that one member will come to rehearsal with a new idea, or a main melody, for example a memorable guitar hook. From here on, the three of us will add our parts with a view to doing what"s best for the song'. Byrne describes the very varied tastes the band has in music: 'I am heavily influenced mainly by jazz musicians, notably John Coltrane, Charles Mingus and Miles Davis, and the fusion movement of the '70s, including Weather Report, Jaco Pastorius and John McLaughlin. Lead singer and guitarist Keenan is heavily into blues music, favourite artists being Eric Clapton, Rory Gallagher, Robert Johnson, BB King, Jimi Hendrix, but also more mainstream artists like The Beatles and Pink Floyd. Drummer Ciaran listens to more experimental music, leaning towards progressive rock, and jazz fusion, with artists such as Frank Zappa, Steps Ahead, Stuff, Buddy Rich and Vinnie Colaiuta.' The gig in Whelans of Wexford Street, Dublin, on Friday 29th August, starts at 7pm and Voodoo Jack will play at 7.30pm.