Second incident of truck damage to elderly Navan woman"s home

A navan senior citizen wants articulated lorries and trucks banned from using the Boreen Keel area of Navan after her house was damaged for the second time this year. The home of Mrs Catherine Kearns of St Patrick"s Terrace was struck again last week, with part of her roof tiles and fascia boarding pulled to the ground. 'This is the second time this year this has happened,' Ms Kearns said. 'Large trucks should not be allowed on the streets. A neighbour who witnessed the incident said it was a hay lorry. I rang the guards but the truck was long gone by then. I think the last time it happened it was a hay lorry as well.' Mrs Kearns said the speed of vehicles using the Boreen Keel was unacceptable, and that the road markings were no longer visible. Her correspondence with the county council has proved fruitless. 'The last time the house was damaged, it cost €900 to replace it, and I got the Trim based group that helps the elderly (South Meath Local Economy) to carry out the repair work. This will be just as expensive,' she says. Mrs Kearns says that it is not right that such trucks can speed through streets in the town.