Connemara tops at Athboy sean nós dance competition

The All-Ireland Sean Nós Dancing competition was held at the Éigse Uí Ghramhnaigh Festival in Athboy last Saturday. The Main Street event took place in glorious sunshine and was well-attended, with entries from all over Ireland. This was the second year for the Éigse. Other events included workshops in singing, fiddle and concertina. It is hoped that the festival will become one of the regular features on the traditional music and dance calendar. Winners of the under-16 section were: 1, Michaél Seoighe, Connemara; 2, Cáitlín Ní Mhealóid, Ráth Chairn; 3, Éilis Nic Eibheard, Ráth Chairn. Senior Section winners were: 1, Emma O'Sullivan, Renvyle, Connemara; 2, Edwina Gutheen, Drumsna, Co Leitrim; 3, Máirtín Mac Donncha, Rath Chairn.