'Constant energy price hikes having a crippling effect' - O'Rourke

Sinn Féin spokesperson on Climate Action, Communications and Transport, Darren O’Rourke TD, today responded to the announcement that Electric Ireland are to increase their residential electricity prices by 9% and residential gas prices by 7.8% from August 1st.

The company said the increase is due to more expensive wholesale energy costs.

Electric Ireland last increased its prices in autumn when it raised electricity prices by 3.4%.

The increase announced today will add almost €100 a year to the average annual electricity bill and €60 to the average annual gas bill.

Electricity prices in Ireland are already 23% above the EU average and the fourth most expensive in the 27-nation EU, recent figures from Eurostat show.

Deputy O'Rourke said:

“These electricity and gas price hikes could not come at a worse time for people.

“Hundreds of thousands of people are still unemployed due to the pandemic and many households are barely making ends meet as it is.

“These price increases could add €100 a year to the average annual electricity bill and €60 to the average annual gas bill.

“Last year I called for a freeze on energy price hikes during the ongoing pandemic, but nothing was done on this front.

“Instead the current government actually piled on the pressure with further carbon tax and PSO increases.

“Households are being hammered with energy prices here. On top of the cost of rent, childcare and insurance, many people find themselves under severe financial pressure.

“My colleague Senator Lynn Boylan published the results of a survey earlier this year which shows people are already put to the pin of their collar when it comes to energy costs.

“Almost half of respondents said they go without heat because of the cost, while two thirds found it difficult to afford fuel.

“Unfortunately, these new energy price increases will push even more households into energy poverty.”