Water works in Dunboyne rescheduled to Wednesday
Essential repairs in Bracetown area
Essential repair works that were scheduled to take place last week at the pumping station supplying business customers in Bracetown Business Park, The Hub Logistics Park and MSD Biologics in Dunboyne, have been rescheduled to Wednesday 28th July between 9am and 4.30pm.
During these works, customers may experience disruptions to their water supply including outages and/or lower than normal water pressure.
Irish Water is encouraging customers to conserve water while these essential repairs are underway.
When works are complete it may take up to three hours for normal water supply to return to all customers but it is important to continue to follow the HSE guidance on hand-washing.
Donal Heaney, Irish Water says: “We understand that this type of work can be inconvenient and working in partnership with Meath County Council we will make every effort to minimise any disruption that these necessary works may cause. The delivery of essential repairs and maintenance at treatments plants is an essential part of what we do in order to safeguard the water supply to homes and businesses and ensure a safer, more sustainable water supply now and into the future.”
"For information on water supply updates, customers can visit the supply and service section of the Irish Water website https://www.water.ie or contact the customer care helpline, open 24/7, on 1800 278 278 and via Twitter @IWCare with any queries."