No leadership from government

Dear sir - In times of crisis we expect to see leadership. Whatever about tribunals, and blaming the global economy for our Irish recession, this Fianna Fail/Green Party government had a national issue to deal with, and totally missed the point, messing up the solution. There was no leadership. Look at my own local Fianna Fail Meath West TD Noel Dempsey. Like Marie Antoinette, he cannot understand what all the fuss is about. In the eye of the storm he went on holidays. But here is the thing: 'he didn't see it coming'. Just like he and his cabinet colleagues did not see the economic crisis, the demise of the Irish banks, the rise of gangland terror, the rate of unemployment, the general deterioration in living conditions here ..... 'they didn't see it coming' We expect Noel Dempsey and his motley crew to rescue us. I say 'not'. For whatever else we may say about the elected members in Dail Eireann we can safely say... They are not leading. They are simply covering up the cracks. Like Marie Antoinette they too will find the day of reckoning will arrive, but at what price will we all pay for their stupidity and downright arrogance? Yours, Cllr Seamus O'Neill, Meath Co Council, Duleek.