CEO in VEC talks with local school

The CEO of County Meath VEC, Peter Kierans, visited the first-year class of Coláiste Pobail Ráth Chairn recently to talk to them about their role within the school and the school"s role within County Meath VEC. Mr Kierans also spoke about the VEC"s plans for the future development of its schools, both structural and educational, and he highlighted the progress they had made with regard to the use of information technology at the Ráth Chairn school and throughout the county. The students were eager to voice their opinions to Mr Kierans and engaged him in conversation, as Gaeilge, about his earlier career as a múinteoir, deputy principal and principal. They were especially interested to hear about the work he did in Bangladesh as a volunteer with the Irish charity, Concern. The students, who recently performed in the Solstice Arts Centre in Navan, at County Meath VEC"s Musical Extravaganza, treated their guest speaker to three musical pieces. Under the tutelage of Gráinne Ní Riain (an múinteoir ceoil), the students impressed the CEO, who paid tribute to their performance and to an múinteoir.