Boardsmill and Drumree secure final spots

Both IHC semi-finals ended in dramatic fashion at Trim today as Boardsmill and Drumree advanced to the final with one points over Rathmolyon and Dunderry respectively.

All the drama was reserved for the closing stages of the curtain-raiser at Trim as Boardsmill survived a couple of late scares to advance to the final with a 0-13 to 1-9 victory.

Trailing by just a point at the second-half water break Rathmolyon resumed on the front foot and had enough possession to win two or three games.

However, when the pressure was on their accuracy waned and despite their dominance they hit five wides in a short spell.

Each of those wayward efforts provided Boardsmill with the oxygen to survive and when the game came down to the wire they kept their noses in front.

Three times in the closing 10 minutes Rathmolyon got back on level terms, but on each occasion Boardsmill's response was swift as they edged ahead again.

The final time Rathmolyon drew level was 30 seconds into injury-time when Simon Ennis hit the score of the game from half-way, but within 10 seconds Boardsmill were back in front as Fergal Flattery responded.

The final few minutes of injury-time were frantic as both sides squandered chances, but it was Rathmolyon's profligacy in the final quarter that proved decisive.


Boardsmill - Liam O'Brien 0-6 two frees, one '65'; Fergal Flattery 0-3; Danny Dixon 0-2; Thomas Leonard 0-1; Ray Hatrton 0-1.

Rathmolyon - Gary Doherty 0-5 four frees, one '65'; Trevor Healy 1-0; Simon Ennis 0-1; Ciaran Regan 0-1; Jack Payne 0-1; Sean Mulligan 0-1.

The drama of the opening game was surpassed by the excitement of the closing minutes of the second semi-final as Sean Doyle hit a late winner to secure a 0-19 to 3-9 victory for Drumree over Dunderry.

It had all looked set to be a comfortable passage through to the final when Drumree stretched their two-point interval lead to seven by the second water break.

Even when Dunderry gave themselves hope with a Luke Martyn goal in the 50th minute Drumree responded with four of the next six points to lead by 0-18 to 1-9 with three minutes remaining.

At that stage Dunderry threw caution to the wind and were rewarded with two stunning goals from Jamie Leavy dragging them remarkably level.

Drumree should have been rattled, but they weren't.

They held their composure and worked the next possession up the field where they won a free which the mercurial Sean Doyle did not miss.


Drumree - Sean Doyle 0-8 seven frees, one '65'; Kevin Ball 0-3; Josh Wall 0-3; John Crimmins 0-1; Paul Briody 0-1; David Reilly 0-1; Kevin Halley 0-1; Niall Gavin 0-1.

Dunderry - Jamie Leavy 2-4 four frees; Luke Martyn 1-3 two frees; Alex Walsh 0-1; Stephen Coogan 0-1.

Check out Tuesday's Meath Chronicle for Fergal Lynch's full match report and photographs from today's exciting semi-finals.