The direct provision centre at Mosney

Wi-Fi improvements for direct provision centre in Mosney

Representations made by Social Democrat and Fianna Fail councillors for an improvement in Wi-Fi facilities at the direct provision centre at Mosney have been successful with Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth Roderic O’Gorman promising action on the issue.

Cllrs Ronan Moore (SD) and Mike Bray (FF) had tabled a motion at the October meeting of Meath County Council asking the council to write to the International Protection Accommodation Service and the Minister for Justice asking them to provide free Wi-Fi throughout Mosney village so that its residents can more readily access information to services.

The councillors said that they had listened to the difficulties faced by residents, especially the challenges of accessing services via the internet.

Minister O’Gorman wrote to the Council saying that the health and wellbeing of all people who avail of accommodation provided by his department was of the highest priority to him and his officials.

He said that the management of Mosney have engaged contractors in an infrastructural project to provide Wi-Fi throughout the Mosney complex in three separate locations including the leisure room, conservatory room and the internet café.

The Minister said that the International Protection Accommodation Service was always available to deal with any complaints from residents.

Residents were encouraged to engage with the service if they were unhappy with any aspect of their accommodation.