Teachers Mr Reilly, Ms Walsh, Ms Kellegher, Ms Hannon, and Spanish teacher Ester Martín Castro with fifth and sixth class students at Scoil Bhríde, Cannistown.

Cannistown NS pupils enjoy learning the Spanish tongue

Sixth and fifth class pupils from Scoil Bhríde, Cannistown, Navan, are taking part in the new 'Primary Language Sampler' module which started in early February. The sampler module is a means for raising awareness among pupils of the range of languages used by their peers, in their schools and community. Over 500 schools nationwide are taking part and offering modules in a range of modern foreign languages and Irish Sign Language.

The module will introduce the pupils to Spanish and be taught over a six-week period during the normal school timetable. This is an important stepping stone towards secondary school as Spanish is widely spoken in many countries.

Ester Martin Castro is delighted to be involved in sharing her language and experience with the pupils. The classes she is taking are Oisin Reilly’s and Aisling Kellegher’s sixth classes and Margaret Hannon’s and Catherine Walsh’s fifth classes.

Principal, Kevin Mullin, says: "I appreciate the importance of languages as a life skill, an opportunity for the pupils to think in a different way and build opportunities for the future. With English, Irish and Spanish being used by the pupils and staff at our school, this module really helps to build awareness and celebrate the diversity within the school and community."

In Scoil Bhríde, we also have a Spanish Club after school every Tuesday with Senorita Martin Castro. In-class and outside class Spanish is proving to be very popular in our school.