CCTV cameras key to easing anti-social behaviour issue - Tóibín

Two CCTV cameras planned for Convent Road in Navan are expected to go a long way in dealing with anti-social behaviour in the area.

Anger has been expressed at a recent large increase in anti-social behaviour on Convent Road, which is currently undergoing a cycle and pedestrian route trial.

Local representatives who are angry at vandalism, littering and other anti social behaviour in the area, believe the cameras will see a major improvement in the problems.

Cllr Emer Tóibín said there are a lot of people very unhappy with the level of anti social behaviour on the road.

“People feel it is not as safe as it used to be.

“Somebody told me they are afraid to walk their dog their at night because they feel intimidated.

“It is a beautiful road with the graveyard, the old wall and the castle.

“It is not fair that some individuals are messing it up for everybody.”

Cllr Tóibín said she believed that when the trial period is finished, the road will continue to be pedestrianised as the government is pushing more active travel.

“I believe the CCTV cameras will make a difference. There is evidence to suggest it cuts down on crime and anti social behaviour.”

She explained that the cameras proposed for Convent Road would be located at the entrance to the secondary school and at the graveyard.

They are among 35 CCTV cameras to be rolled out around various parts of Navan.

“Once planning permission is applied for and approved it goes to the Garda Commissioner for approval.

When that happens work can commence” she explained.

Cllr Yemi Adenuga also expressed concern at the level of anti social behaviour in that area.

“It is very heavily littered. People are walking though rubbish – mainly fast food litter and household items.

“The flower pots are often overturned and plants uprooted, as well as flowers strewn across the road.

“People gather there in the daytime to do drugs an there can be a lot of noise and loud music, disturbing local residents.”

She said the provision of CCTV should help reduce these incidents.

Cllr Adenuga is so concerned about anti social behaviour in Navan generally that she is hosting a public meeting in the Ardboyne Hotel on 6th April to discuss the problem and see how we can make our communities safer.

“We need to put our heads together and see what we can do,” she said.