Guirke seeking commitment on future of Castlepollard social welfare office

Fears that the social welfare office in Castlepollard could close permanently have been expressed by service users.

The facility services a wide area around Castlepollard itself, but also the Oldcastle, Ballinlough and Kilskyre areas.

The current manager of the facility has indicated that he plans to retire, and attempts by Deputy Johnny Guirke to get a commitment from the Department of Social Welfare that there will continue to be a branch office in Castlepollard have been unsuccessful.

Oldcastle man, Paul Cantwell said there was a lot of concern in the area that the office might close.

“I used it during the pandemic and it was such a help.

“If it closes it will be a huge loss to an awful lot of people,” he said.

“If people from this area have to go further afield for services, they won't get the same level of assistance.

“The staff in other centres wont be able to cope.

“For people of this area, we have always known that when you are in a pinch, the people in the Castlepollard office will be in your corner.”

Stephen O'Brien, the chairperson of the Castlepollard Local Development group said there were genuine fears the office could close and this would be a major loss to Castlepollard and a wide hinterland.

“Castlepollard is designated a key service area in the Westmeath County Development Plan and this is a very important service.

“This is an area with poor public transport links and it will leave people without their own cars at a huge disadvantage,” he said.

Cllr Johnny Guirke said: “Throughout the pandemic, the branch provided a great service to those who needed it in Castlepollard and surrounding areas.”

“Now, it is been widely circulated in the surrounding area that this branch could face the possibility of closure, and we must stop this from happening at all costs.

“The Castlepollard branch office serves a large part of rural area covering Castlepollard, Oldcastle, Ballinacree, Clonkeefy, Mount Nugent, Fore, Moylagh, Delvin, Collinstown, Coole, Castletown, Finea, Lismacaffrey and Streete.

“This is an area largely not serviced by public transport, which would make it extremely problematic for people that use the branch, if the DEASP services were to be relocated.”

Deputy Guirke called on Minister Humphreys to give an undertaking that she will keep this vital service open for the foreseeable future.

In the Dail rcently Deputy Guirke was told the branch manager in Castlepollard, an independent contractor, had recently informed the Department of his intention to retire.

He was told the continued provision of Social Welfare services to Castlepollard customers “has been prioritised and the Department will ensure that an efficient and quality public service which properly reflects customer needs is provided for all our customers in the Castlepollard area.”

He said the reply was inadequate, as it did not give any undertaking to keep the office open.

“Worryingly, while it refers to accessing supports online and in-person, this does not preclude the extension of online services and reduction of in-person services.

“This would be in a rural area with extremely poor Internet / WiFi availability, and no significant transport infrastructure.”

He said he would be seeking further clarification from the Minister as to whether she can give an undertaking to maintain a branch office in Castlepollard, with the present range of in-person services.