VIDEO: ‘We did this to show that those silenced by war are never far from our hearts’

A HUGE consignment of aid for Ukraine left Ratoath College last Friday.

Students and staff collected a large quantity of dried food and baby supplies which left on a truck for the Polish/Ukraine border.

Teacher, Ursula Hynes said A1 Transport, which had already driven a load of supplies to Ukraine in the first days of the war, had agreed to transport the aid to Poland and arrived at the school on Friday to collect the donations.

“We decided that it would be nice to take a moment on Friday to reflect on the tremendous suffering in Ukraine.

“We have yellow and blue candles that are being kept alight, surrounded by sunflowers to remind us of what is happening.

“On Friday morning, we stopped all classes for five minutes while the chaplain, Chris Gueret spoke and then fifth year student, Sarah Gallagher sang John Lennon's ‘Imagine’”.

“Members of the local Ratoath community were brilliant and so supportive to us with our collection and they included Barbara Anderson,

Anne Conmey and Anita Sheppard,” said Ms Hynes.

On Friday morning, Ratoath College took time to pause and reflect as a school, in a minute of silence for the people of Ukraine.

“We did this to show that those who are silenced by war and persecution are never far from our hearts and minds,” said Ms Hynes.

Mr Gueret said: “Over the past number of weeks, we have seen media coverage of horrific violence, committed across Ukraine by an invading force. This war has brought horrendous suffering to the people of this sovereign nation.

“Families have been separated, over three and a half million people have fled their homes to seek refuge in other countries, while others have remained behind in the hope of defending their country.

“Here, in Ratoath College, we have come together as a school community in taking action to make a real difference with our ‘Collection for Ukraine’ initiative. For two weeks in March, each morning, management, teachers, SNAs, students, staff and their families have been making their way into our school building with essential items for donation to the people of Ukraine.

“Students helped Ms Hynes to carefully package and secure all our essential items into different boxes including baby formula boxes, medical supplies boxes, tinned food boxes and dried food boxes.”

“When the truck arrived on Friday morning, the boxes were loaded by 5th year and transition year students in record time.”