Ariana and Brayden.

‘I’d want someone to help me’

Dunshaughlin woman spurred on by kind-hearted son offer shelter to Ukrainian mother and her eight-year-old daughter

A DUNSHAUGHLIN woman who was deeply moved by the plight of the Ukrainian people and wanted to do something to help has welcomed a Ukrainian mother and her eight-year-old daughter to her home.

Juliann Cooney told how her six-year-old son was instrumental in her offering accommodation and within hours of putting up her details on the 'Shelter for Ukraine' website, she had been contacted by Natalia, who has an eight-year-old daughter Ariana.

"I just thought how horrific it is. I have a six-year-old son myself and I thought what if I was in that position where I had to flee another country, I would want someone to help me," said Juliann.

"I was speaking to my little boy and he said why don't they come here and he offered his room and said he could move to the smaller room. Brayden really was the deciding factor. I wanted to make sure he was comfortable with it."

Natalia, who is an English and maths teacher, and daughter Ariana arrived in Ireland on 19th March. They had been staying in a hostel in Warsaw having fled their home in Western Ukraine about a week earlier as the attacks got closer.

While Ariana had no English when she arrived, Juliann said she is quickly picking up words and herself and Brayden have worked out a system of communicating and were soon playing hide and seek and chase. They brought Ariana to Smyths where she bought roller skates, and the two children have out on them every day since and playing with the other children on the road.

Juliann said Natalia was feeling quite overwhelmed when she arrived and saw the toys and clothes they had for them and told how all they had arrived with in Ireland was a little plastic bag.

Ariana, started school in St Seachnall's NS last week and Juliann said she is loving it so far.

Meanwhile, locally a gofundme appeal to raise funds to help families moving into the area has been set up by Barbara O'Connor and already over €2,300 has been donated. See 'For Ukrainian families in our Community' on